The City of Surrey Parks, Recreation & Culture (PRC) Strategic Plan is a blueprint for determining PRC facility and service decisions until 2027. The Plan is a forward looking strategy that identifies the greatest needs and opportunities for our residents, and presents a vision of a healthy, green, inclusive community, where individuals, culture and the environment thrive.
2018 – won Gold in the Excellence in Policy Planning - City & Urban Areas category of the Planning Institute of British Columbia's annual awards.
2018 –won the Respect for Diversity, Inclusion and Culture category of the International Association of Public Participation's Core Value Awards.
I am particularly proud of my work on this project, as I see it as the culmination of many hard fought battles to influence diversity and inclusion in community engagement processes. This includes the hiring and prioritizing of multilingual project ambassadors, those who were youth, the translation of engagement materials and outreach through important and key community institutions (including faith based institutions. All these combined created a more diverse and inclusionary process that allow multigenerational, multiracial, immigrant and indigenous participation. 
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